REC Code of Conduct 2024
I will always check myself in when I arrive and check myself out when I leave at the REC's main office.
I will work towards keeping the REC a fun and safe place for everyone.
I will stand up to hate, bullying, and all forms of unkindness and disrespect.
I will respect every person at the REC, including staff, volunteers, and peers.
I will respect REC property, and do my best to keep the space nice for all who attend.
I will clean up/return any item (toys, games, balls, etc.) I use before leaving the REC.
I will not engage in any behavior that makes a REC attendee or staff uncomfortable like rude language, ignoring boundaries, fighting/wrestling, or inappropriate displays of affection.
I will always ask REC Staff if I have any questions, issues, or concerns.
I am responsible for any items or belongings (clothes, toys, art, etc.) I bring onto REC property.
I will take any items or belongings that I bring onto REC property with me when I leave.
I will only have food and drinks in the CAFÉ and I will clean any messes or spills I make.
I will never bring drugs or alcohol onto the REC's property.
I will not smoke, vape, or use drugs/alcohol on the REC’S property.
I will not bring weapons (even fake) onto the REC's property.
I will model the REC behavior standards while I am out in the community with the REC for service or activities.
I understand that my picture may be taken and used on the REC’s social media.
All attendees at the REC are expected to abide by the code of conduct at all times. REC staff reserves the right to apply and adapt this policy based on the severity of the misbehavior. Our priority is always to allow continued access to the space, while making sure the REC remains a safe and fun environment for all attendees.
STRIKE: Documented disciplinary action. Strikes will remain on the record for six months.
STRIKE 1: Parents will be notified and child will be sent home. Child will be asked not to return to the REC for one day.
STRIKE 2: Parents will be notified and child will be sent home. Child will be asked not to return to the REC for one week.
STRIKE 3: Parents will be notified and child will be sent home. Child will be asked not to return to the REC for six months.